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"X" Marks the Spot

Writer's picture: Pretty NPinkPretty NPink

GM: Sudain

Date: July 16th, 2022

Party: Ashen (Nomadic), Father Dies Irae (Armor Yote), Yusuf/"Trig" (Punbro), Regina (J.P.) Skritch & Scratch (Cpt Nonsense),

Synopsis: Lucky Bjork has a treasure map said to lead to buried treasure. He is looking for a trustworthy crew to help him out and willing to share in the bounty for reliable help. He can be found in Port Quent for further details.

Thanks go to CptNonsense and Sadie for correcting me and helping improve the story structure! This is a 'Find the X on the map, and dig up the treasure' type adventure.

Log Entry:

The group met with "Lucky" Bjork at a local tavern, though his nickname is a misnomer.

"Lucky" Bjorc is quite a specimen. Never a looker to begin with, his head is now hairless on the left side with a missing eye and ear and massive scaring there also. His right arm ends in a stump above the elbow, and his left hand has only a thumb and two fingers. His left leg ends in a ragged stump just below the knee, long healed but with exposed bone at the end. Fortunately the former leg was largely useless anyway having ended in a twisted club foot. Needless to say, Bjorc has had a rough life including run-ins with dragons, elven tortures, a trolls cook pot and for a short time the inside of a gelatinous cube. Regardless Bjorc may be the most cheerful orc alive - though his missing tongue prevents him from verbally expressing his joy much. He does have a complicated series of hand signs that his waitress can use to translate for him.

It seems that Bjork won a loot map in a card game 'n be willin' t' let us keep whatever we find in exchange fer the tale o' our adventure. I be o' course up fer the adventure, me nickname comes from, at least in part, me skills at findin' Loot, aft all, Aft examinin' the map I was able t' notice that thar be a poem thar that be faintly thar:

The broken cup feeds Gozreh's moist lips

Ensconzed in the land where Gorum and Desna dance

Lamashtu's children are celebrated

Hidden from sight, seek

where Sarenrae departs the spectacle

and apart from Kuthon's enterance

There you shall find three kisses from abadar

The dwellings of man will bring you poverty

Desna, Krugess and Lamashtu

To keep your bounty instead suffer pains

and slither across the land to the sea as Apep does

We prepared fer the trip 'n got some rations, updated maps, 'n a water canteen... 'cause Ashen be right, I like enough will wants water when campin' so I be nah sufferin' from dehydration. Though rum be hydratin' right? We all make preparations 'n then set out on The Salty Vixen.

We docked on the island 'n followed the river along 'n had t' rest fer the night. Though thar was nah much restin' fer our party, as the cold was so unbearable I thought me Fire Fox might actually 'ave frostbite. Thar was this... cold, a bone-chillin' cold that came done at night 'n caused some hypothermia-like symptoms at our party. Once the mornin' came the chill went away 'n we we be on our way we returned t' followin' the river up seein' a Snake's Cabin on the way. We ended up findin' a wee alcove wit' a lake, a wee island that had a bridge across t' it, 'n a literal X marks the spot on the ground. Aft all the yellow-bellied curs shiverin' in fear let me test the bridge out, they followed along 'n we unburied 4 chests.

While we we be unburyin' the chests Trigg 'n Father Dies Irae would look around fer a campsite while I noticed that Regina has a rash on her body 'n seems t' be havin' a hard time seein'. When I pointed it out t' Ashen he was able t' determine that 'twas scurvy in the Shackles known as Green Haze 'n if left untreated, Regina would 'ave gone blind. Howe'er, the salty 'n smart fox seemed t' be able t' help her anyway.

A treasure chest is a common wooden chest treated with resin to make the wood water-resistant. Metal bands, usually bronze to prevent rusting, are strapped around the treasure chest for extra reinforcement, and the lock is also typically made of bronze. The first 3 weigh 40 pounds each and the 4th weighs 175 lbs.

We made camp fer the night decidin' the open the chests in the mornin'. Regina be able t' assist us in openin' the large chest safely 'til we found a wee chest that seems t' be part o' a spell o' some kind. We would needs the wee decorative chest t' recall the larger chest from the ethereal. The other three chests we be full o' doubloons. We we be able t' avoid the venomous snakes 'n make our way back t' the ship 'n mainland without issue.

It seems that the hidden ethereal chest held a petrified headless snake that was related to the go Ydersius. Thar was a lot more natterin' but Ashen brought up doubloons 'n booze, so proud o' his ascension t' bein' a pirate, anyways we went t' celebrate together. We'll figure out the religious junk later.

Encounter Rewards Claimed:

  • 800 XP

  • 657.5 GP

  • 1 Chill Cream (worth 7.5 GP)

  • 10 lbs of Blackfire Clay (worth 10 GP)

  • Forecast Station (with 75 GP)


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