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About Me


Sadie "Treasure" Noir

Description: Sadie stands at 5’10”, though her boots and tricorne hat made her look more imposing adding inches to her stature, with an athletic and toned body. Locks of full and feather-like auburn brunette hair dances down her back as she moves with a confident sway in her hips. Hints of more hair tied up under her large pirate hat is evidence that it may be long enough to touch the back of her thighs if she wore it fully down. The most striking characteristic is her ruby-colored eyes, ones that glitter and glow like they had their own magic in them. Colored tattoos adorn her left arm and her right leg, though there look to be some scars littering both as if the tattoo art was there to glorify and highlight them. She’s dressed as a sailor, though her clothing is notably unashamedly feminine. She has an air of innocence about her, and people have a hard time believing she could ever do anyone harm.

What is Known?

Not much is known about the young pirate, just that she recently came into the port of Korvosa and that there is no pirate ship in sight for her to have arrived on. She spends much of her time drinking cheap booze and looking for low effort adventures that can tide her over. She has been known to participate in bar fights, and while beautiful, she is no where near as innocent or delicate as she appears. When drinking, she seems to always have a new adventure to talk about when she was out on sea, and if drunk enough, will mention how she longs to find her sea legs again. No matter what night, she always pours a shot of booze out for some unspoken reason. Fellow Sailors (or Pirates) could recognize her as the pirate known as "Treasure", known for taking advantage of being underestimated.

Her Personality

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Sadie's impulsive and confident, with an impish playfulness that drives the attention of anyone who is lucky, or unlucky, enough to cross her path. She appears innocent, which makes her impish streak all that much more charming. Truly, she is a good person and even among pirates and thieves, she demands "honor" and the "code of the seas" to be followed. It's just damn common decency. She is not, however, always responsible. It's a powder keg, but she has fun.

My "Ship" (Hut, Cheaper)

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Description coming soon.

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