A Midnight Parade
GM: Armor Yote
Date: July 4th, 2022
Party: Ashen (Nomadic), Zurina Ovieta (Severent), Regina Bell (J.P.), Derig (RoyalTuscan), Calcine (J.C.), Syrene (Mad Mike), Kozi (Fal)
Synopsis: Nights in port aren’t exactly peaceful in the Shackles, but it’s midnight and some bastards are marching an entire percussion section up the street. A hard working sailor can’t even enjoy a quiet drink. Someone go silence that racket.
Log Entry:
Ashen 'n I we be havin' a blast out fer a night o' drinkin' 'n then we we be interrupted by bad shanties. It’s nah a strange thing t' hear, ye get a poorly skilled bard drunk 'n it happens so I started off thinkin' 'twas no big deal. Oh I was so wrong. When Ashen went outside it clued me in that somethin' else could be happenin', Ashen usually enjoys watchin' me dance too much. T' our surprise, we found no wee invasion o' skeleton soldiers that seem t' be murderin' scallywags along t' mighty bad chanties. We couldn’t stand fer that at all.
We handsomely got t' action t' help protect the civilians that we be bein' murdered by these dancin' skeletons. The group seemed t' be able t' handle 'em without much o' an issue, Ashen wit' his gun, Calcine wit' her fire… more on that later… 'n this giant lizard like scallywag that I don’t recall thar name at all. Well anyways, they jus' kept comin', 'n then that’s when I heard laughter. Ghastly hideous cackles.
Turns out a cloaked scallywag was controllin' the dancin' creatures. 'n when I noticed 'im I jumped up t' meet 'im above the parade in the streets o' dancin' skeletons. When I caught 'im, he vanished into invisibility but I had a trick up me sleeve. That’s when I pulled out Glitter Dust 'n spread the entire area wit' golden sparkles. I well-nigh caught 'im but I had t' stop 'n help Ashen 'cause he was bein' hanged up on wit' Regina. I jumped down, swearin' t' track down that yellow-bellied cur later, 'n helped t' take out the rest o' the skeletons.
Enemies Killed:
Enemies: | Kills: | Assists: |
Dancing Skeletons | 0 | 18 |
Cloaked Punny Man (Lich) | | ESCAPED! |
| | |
Encounter Rewards Claimed:
800 XP
700 GP