What Grows Beneath
GM: Armor Yote
Party: Ashen, Ozymandias, Natalie, Marcus, Noire
Synopsis: There's been some unusual sounds coming from the sewer system underneath the landing for the past few days and pipes have been having drainage issues. It looks like someone is going to need to find out the cause and hopefully solve it.
Log Entry:

The group descended into the sewers 'n we came across wha' appeared t' be lots o' plant growth fer no reason. Animated Dead woods attacked us upon boardin' the sewers, 'n we manage t' deter 'em. 'twas around then that we noticed thar be no gelatinous cubes roamin' that usually keep the sewers swab underneath Korvosa. We came across wha' seems t' be a garden o' plant-like goo monsters from another plane, Aft a hard won fight we managed t' destroy this garden which made some creatures further in the sewers screech. We followed the sounds n found our dear ole hearties the Assassin Vines.

Two of them were waiting for us in rooms deeper in the sewers, After a brush with death for me, we were able to defeat the Assassin Vines and we came across a red centipede symbol which he had seen before when we came across Leshies in a ritual in another adventure ("Rooting Out the Problem"). The symbol is related to a cult named "The Scolopendra Project" who are targeting Inheritor's Landing now because of other Adventurers.
As we explored the inner rooms more, we found some ship logs that show the ships 'ave been transportin' dead bodies but thar be no port filled out on the manifests. Why they we be down here in the sewers, or wha' port master took the silver t' ignore the blank spots on these manifests be still a mystery. Ashen found a secret panel in the wall. When he scuttled the panel in the wall t' check it thar was some kind o' monster that smelled ghastly on the other side that was much stronger than us. We decided t' retreat.
Encounter Rewards Claimed:
1,600 XP
2,000 GP
Level Up to Level 4!